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【讲座预告】数理医学前沿论坛2023年第2讲(顾险峰教授 美国纽约州立大学石溪分校)

报告主题Abel-JacobiTheory for Structured Mesh Generation

报告专家:顾险峰    美国纽约州立大学石溪分校    教授

报告时间2023年02月22日 9:00—10:00

报告地点腾讯会议ID:935-705-479    密码:230222





 Structured mesh generation plays a fundamental role in many fields in engineering, such as geometric modelingCAD/CAE and medical imaging.Most geometric models in the CAD industry are represented as spline surfaceswhich are based on structured quadrilateral mesh generation on surfaces with general topologies.There is a long lasting open problem in the field:Does there exist a quadrilateral mesh on a torus with only two singularities.one is ofvalence 3 and the other valence 5?It turns out that this problem cannot be solved using the knowledge from differential topologyRiemanniar geometry directly, but it heavily depends on the surface conformal structure namely Riemann surface structure.In this talkwe will show the intrinsic relation between the quad-meshes and meromorphic differentials and reformulate the quad-meshes as global sections of holomorphic line bundles,the singularities as the characteristic class, which are governed by the Abel-Jacobi theorem. This discovery leads to rigorous and efficient computational algorithms,which play an important role in industrial software design.

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